Level 1 Beginners Ghost Hunting Kit

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$210.00 Value! This tool bag gives any start up investigator a great selection of equipment that covers paranormal techniques of sensing vibration, electro magnetic field and temperature changes, Red light spectrum theory, visual aids with laser grid technique, use of your own energy with the pendulum, raise vibrations and cleanse with selenite crystal and audio communitcation with the spirit box scanning radio.


- Sbox Spirit Box

- EMF and Temperature Detector

- Vibration Flashing Ball

- Pendulum (assorted)

-Selenite wand

- Red Spectrum Flashlight  (new upgraded flashlight from original pic see pic)

- Usb rechargable laser grid (color varies)

- NEW SIZE! 15" Equipment tool bag (Ghost Gear) color choice of font 14 pockets

Personalization on other side of bag available for additonal cost see item  "personalization" to add a name